Friday, December 3, 2010

Are u gonna respond

Friday, November 12, 2010

Whats valuable in life is not what you get out of it but what you become. What are you becoming?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

If you will change everything will change for you. make a list of things thats holding u back. Then ask yourself, YOU on it?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

In life you must view yourself as dug in with an enemy. To win you must be ruthless, strategic.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Your situation doesn't matter. Your determination does. Take responsibility for your situation & double your determination.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You must consistently search for ideas that can change your life! Start today!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Both success & failure comes from small life experiences

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Its not what you know, but how you feel about what you know. Your emotions determine how react to what you know.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Do you work hard on your job? What about yourself? To get ahead: work harder on your self than your job!

Monday, August 30, 2010

How do you change the negative side? Personal development. It will change your value system & your outlook on life.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Part of getting rich is taking risk. Get your idea in motion. 1) Write it down. 2) Get it in motion! Become a capitalist.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What is that voice in your own head...telling you you cant do it? So what if u tried & failed? Its an event not a constant.
Gues what someone else has planned for you? Not much!
If you dont make plans of your own you will always fit into someone elses plan.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Its 10pm. Time to meditate on the day. Learn from all ur experiences. If it was bad make sure it never happen again

Friday, August 20, 2010

Break down the walls...yes those walls. The same walls that keeps out disappointment keeps out happiness.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Good things come to those who create not those who wait!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Do you think about your goals every day? Great! You're in the top 5% of the population

Friday, August 6, 2010

You absolutely become what you think about all the time. What do you think about?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What should you acomplish? As much as you can! What you did yesterday is past. Tell me about today.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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What are the reasons why u run?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Can you make 5000/mt and go broke? If your expense exceed your income, your upkeep become your downfall.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

What is the most incredible under rated thing you can do to improve every aspect of your life? Personal development!
If you wish to be healthy, study health! Get to the bottom of whats causing your health problems. Best place to start.
Why is there negative & positive? The positive is the reward for overcoming the negative!
God worked out 6 days and rested 1. Dont rest too long or else your progress will be diminished. Look what God accomplished!!
Make a list of 10 things why youre not doing as well as you could? See if you miss the most important reason!0
Whats easy to do is also easy not to. Be sure to brand that into your sub-concious.
Are u where you need to be financially, spiritually etc? If you want to reset your life you got to first admit you messed up!
Do not neglect to do the simple things for ur health. Small changes effect a big difference. Remember the things easy to do is also easy not to.
Always pick up the values from the day! Watch what healthy people do & learn from that

Friday, July 30, 2010

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fat Vs Muscle

Why is it that some guys can look so good while seemingly doing less workout and you're in the gym every day and still look flabby? The secret is obvious. In order to build muscle you must first lose weight. If you have more than 10% body fat, stay away from the weights. You need to get on the treadmill every day until you have achieved 10% body fat. At that point you can start to build muscle by hitting the weights-Don't forget your protein!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To achive more we must first become more

Friday, July 23, 2010

And why didnt you have your apple today?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Working out w/the goal of good health is a more inspiring goal than looking good.
The wrong motive will have you thinking that looking good should be the ultimate goal! Dont buy it.
Why do so many get sidetracted from their goal? Setting their goal w/the wrong motive!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Consider carefully when you buy any 'miracle' weight loss equipment. Remember if it doesn't hurt, it doesen't work!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Failure is an event, not a person. No one is a failure! Keep your eyes on the prize. Dont let your weight become your master mentally too.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The one risk everyone should take is the one that will ensure your health, personal freedom & independence
Who you hang around does matter. Never mistake the power of influence!
You are your own script writer & the play is never finished.
Why put success & happines on layaway. Do it now!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

$200.00 Proform 660 Crosstrainer Treadmill

Slightly used Proform 660 Crosstrainer for sale. Slipping $50.00. Will deliver to the NYC area. Click on shopping tab for details.!/genus2?v=app_135607783795

Friday, July 2, 2010

Why Recession May Be a Good Thing for You

If you're out of work, I feel it for you cause you no doubt find yourself competing with 6or 7 others for the same job. There may be a silver lining. With the really user friendly software that are out there, Google ads, facebook could start your own business and be truly independent. Times are a lot harder but starting your own business couldn't get any easier. Take a look at your hobby, something you did in the past, something! Do you think you're smarter than your previous boss? Show it by taking what you learned while at the job and start your own business. Don't just let big businesses accumulate all the profits. "Spread the wealth around" yourself by competing with any business you feel you can tackle. And don't tell me you may fail! You only fail when you stop trying! I told a friend of mine a few years back a quote I never forget: Life is like a bicycle, you never fall unless you stop pedaling. You can do it! Lets energize America by energizing our own destiny.

Its a great day to b

Its a great day to be alive! Lets enjoy it, have fun in it, and by all means make the most of it. If you disagree with me then test it and see. Try missing one of these days and you will see that I'm right :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Go to www.techmotion

Go to to repair your treadmill.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

If you help other people get what they want u can have everything you hard, do your best work & it will come back to you in ways you wont believe

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Body You Want, Already Achieved!

If you truly desire the body you want, and you can imagine that new body, and you can see yourself sporting this new body, and you make definite plans to achieve it along with a time limit on yourself, you WILL achieve everything you want! All those who have achieved the great body they have, have done all those things! And don't be distracted. Focus is a word that's so over-used, but how powerful when we internalize it and think about the force it has. What is a laser? It is the focusing of light. Just by focusing light, we can cut through the toughest matter. Think about it! It will do something to you - and to your goals for a healthier body. Written for
Attitude is everything! Tell yourself you can do it!

How To Achieve the Best Workout Results

So you have been working out for years, but not achieving that much results, in fact, you seem to be putting on more weight. Well, here are a few areas to check: 1)Be consistent (if you signup for 3 days per week, go 3 days per week) 2)Push yourself to the limit. Humans are more resilient than you may think. Just because you feel tired, doesn't mean you can't do a few more. 3)Work each muscle group for at least 20 minutes. If you do 5 reps on you biceps and kept it moving, you will never experience the thrill or eyes on you when you walk into the mall or even in the gym! 4)Close your eyes or focus on one thing, like the ceiling, a spot on the floor, something to keep you focused. And when we say "focus" we mean, to mentally focus your mind on the area you're working. That will give you the mental strength to do even more reps. 5) If your goal is to build muscle, and you're overweight, begin by doing cardio workouts. In order to build muscle, you must lose the fat first.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Updating all my soci

Updating all my social networking pages is crazy...

Updating all my soci

Updating all my social networking pages is crazy...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Boycott BP

Louisiana isn’t the only place that has shrimp.” said British Petroleum rep Randy Prescott. His office phone number is (713) 323-4093 (in Houston). Email is Give him a call or send an email! You can tell him “And BP isn’t the only place that has fuel for my car!” Please ......repost...and ... then start calling and e-mailing.........


from HelloTxtWhat you eat matters. How much you eat matters. You must try you best to fight sickness and keep death at bay. “Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” -Buddha

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

An Apple A Day

An apple a day people....and yes, an apple a day do not mean thats the only healthy thing you do, but if its the only thing you do make sure you do it. You don't need to wait until that special moment like a new years resolution...simple things each dayis where the magic is. Live your life but be smart about it :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

There is one way & only one way to achieve freedom. Solve the money problem by getting lots of it.

Monday, May 31, 2010

This Is What We Liked About Tyson

That ruthless, ever-present non-stop pounding not to mention the intimidation before and during the fight. One of the greatest in my opinion. This is a great example!

Poor Abs

The abs (mid section) of our body gets the least exercise as compared to the rest of the body. Your legs take a walk every day. Your arms are always moving, and your back gets a workout when your arms are active. But the abs gets to do nothing, not even slightly! That is why this area is a big problem for most overweight people and even some who are not overweight. The only way to keep this area firm, tight and looking great is to submit it to deliberate consistent pummeling every day to ward off whats becoming the "OK" look of today. I say the "OK" look, 'cause I see people showing off their stomach and their bulging waist line every day. Its become so common to see this that I believe people are beginning to accept this as normal. Yea, I know, who has time to do this "pummeling" you talking about? Well, truth be told, its not hard to focus on this area every day, especially, for those of you who do no other exercise daily. Here's why: As soon as you get up in the morning, assign 10 minutes to this routine, get it out of the way and keep it moving. You'll be surprise how much time people waste in the bathroom every morning. Just skim off 10 minutes from that and you're on your way! How do you do it? Well, its quite simple. Anyone who has heard of "crunches" know how to do this, however, I will explain step by step how I do it with remarkable results. Step 1: Stand straight up and prepare to breathe out. Step 2: Bend your mid section by folding your upper body downwards as you lift your left foot up to crunch the abs. Be sure to breathe out as you're doing this. (As you get better, pull your leg up and bend your upper body down with as much force as you can to maximize the effect). Step 3: Breathe in as you straighten up. Repeat step 1 and 2 above for five to ten reps. Then repeat the process for your right leg always breathing out as you crunch. Do this every morning for 10 minutes and watch the results. If you need better results quicker, just go for 15 min to 1/2 hour each morning. Now its important to be consistent. 10 min. every 3 weeks will not cut it and you will find that you're wasting your time. Be consistent. Be determined. Be the victor. Fight this fight and know you can win, know you will win, and if you condition your mind to win and do the work, I am confident you will.

Poor Abs

The abs (mid section of you body gets the least exercise as compared to the rest of the body. Your legs take a walk every day. Your arms are always moving, and your back gets a workout when your arms are active. But the abs gets to do nothing, not even slightly. That is why this area is a big problem for most overweight people and even some who are not overweight. The only way to keep this area firm, tight and looking great is to submit it to deliberate consistent pummeling every day to ward off whats becoming the "OK" look of today. I say the "OK" look, 'cause I see people showing off their stomach and their bulging wast line every day. Its become so common to see this thats I believe people are beginning to accept this as normal. Yea, I know, who has time to do this "pummeling you talking about?" Well, truth be told, its not hard to focus on this area every day, especially, for those of you who do no other exercise daily. Here's why: As soon as you get up in the morning, assign 10 minutes to this routine, get it out of the way and keep it moving. You'll be surprise how much time people waste in the bathroom every morning. Just skim off 10 minutes from that and you're good! How do you do it? Well, its quite simple. Anyone who has heard of "crunches" know how to do this, however, I will explain step by step how I do it with remarkable results. Step 1: Stand straight up and prepare to breathe out. Step 2:

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Asthma Attack Caused By Fat!

Did you know that the high-fat meals that you so loyally enjoy such as hamburgers and hash browns can trigger an asthma attack? While everyone knows that fatty foods are not good for your heart, a new study now suggests that meals high in fat do irritates the lungs, and can, thus, trigger an asthma attack.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The fastest path to success is to go against the popular tide. There is less competition for one & less distraction
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Thursday, May 27, 2010


Did you know running even 10 min per day could add years to your life? Start running. Start small...increase your time every day and live a longer, healthier every day.

Herbal Cleansing. Are You Doing It?

from HelloTxtSome people believe that herbal cleansing is totally useless and is basically a waste of money. But wait a minute...think about what you put into your body every in the morning, candy throughout the day, pizza for lunch with a coke. Then you have steak for dinner. This may seem ok, and it is. There is one thing that didn't happen. You didn't drink any water. Some people go days or weeks without drinking any water. This makes your body works harder transport oxygen to your cells, to removes exhaust gas, and lubricates your joints and organs. This allows more toxins to build up inside your body. Most of us do not drink enough water, therefore, we need something to cleanse the body of these toxins so the body can breathe and cleanse itself properly.

my church has a fitness center and one of our landice treadmills is broken. I am locaterdin Orlando, Florida. Do you have an Orlando site?

Yes. Please go to to signup and make your appointment

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Monday, May 24, 2010

The mind is the seat of motivation. To motivate yourself you need to stimulate your mind by questioning yourself...
Do you take your imagination for granted or do you perhaps stifle it? Encourage it! Nuture it. Don't stifle the basis of your creativity

Saturday, May 22, 2010

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Design your own life, & your own health. If you leave it to chance you inadvertently give that responsibility to someone else
Wealth tip: Be enterprising. Go out & sell something! Most successful people failed @ at least 10 businesses

Friday, May 21, 2010

If u earn $100 & spend the whole're working off the wrong plan. Living on 70% of net is good practice

Running tip of the day!

Start out slow and gradually increase your speed, if needed change the speeds in the middle of the run but don't forget to slow down gradually in the end to give your self cool down time!!!
Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do you service Chicago, IL?

Unfortunately we do not service Chicago area at this point! But check back soon as we are adding new areas rapidly!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

This is Inspiring!!!

This is Inspiring!!! Future talent!!!! He is JUST 4 Years old!!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why does the belt need lubrication?

First, the walking belt does need to be lubricated due to a buildup of friction. A new walking belt is well lubricated and provides little friction allowing the drive motor to work normally. If your walking belt loses its lubrication, this creates more friction and puts stress on the motor therefore creating a domino effect.

Sign up our worry free protection plan for 24.99 a month to keep your treadmill healthy and running smooth all year long! Call 866-278-3014 for more details!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

This drug Onexa prom

from HelloTxtThis drug Onexa promises to cure all of our weight problems...we need it. Beyond its impact on health, obesity economically accounts for 9.1% of U.S. annual health care spending - nearly $150 billion dollars. By 2030, if trends in the escalating rates of obesity continue, health care costs attributable to obesity may reach $956 billion, accounting for up to 18% of total health care costs, or $1 in every $6 spent on health care.

Monday, May 17, 2010

My treadmill needs help. I have been debating whether to fix it or replace it. Do you give free estimates? I want to know what we are looking at before going forward either way. -Patty

Hi Patty, yes all our estimates are free, we charge flat rate service fee of 130.00 for repair/service (excludes parts). So if your unit does not need a parts and can be repaired it doesn’t matter if we are there 30min or 3 hours you pay flat fee of $130.-

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

It dosent matter who is responsable for where ur life is now. Take 100% responsibility and take drastic measures to change it.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Amaizing how many people ignore 'An apple a day'. How are u doing?
You cant change people but u can change yourself...if u blame not others but blame yourself u begin to realize effecting sef-change activates life-change

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How do u make more on yourself to become more valuable...if youre worth more u will be paid more

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Accidents happen so

Accidents happen so take a time and precaution whit what ever you do! Good Luck!

Home Gym News! Keep

from HelloTxtHome Gym News! Keep your home gym running good and always in good condition by getting our Worry Free Protection plan for $24.99month!

Do you give any special prices or packages for loyal customers?

We have what we call Worry Free Protection Plan for $24.99/month. We also have Treadmill Repair flat rate sales in certain locations, contact us on 866.278.3014 for more detail or check out our website

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Do you have any specials for commercial customers?

Service Plans are $14.99 per month per piece, provided your facility has agreed to add at least 20 pieces to the plan. Include unlimited service throught the year. Click here for more details.

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

This is the good Lin

This is the good Link to video I was talking about!

This is interesting

This is interesting video I stumbled up on Facebook!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

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First key to wealth & happiness: find a way to get around people who are successful

Friday, May 7, 2010

Unfortunate for us,

from HelloTxtUnfortunate for us, but with such a nice day you all should be outside in fresh air! If you can not at last open some windows in the room and enjoy the breeze!

I have a treadmill, the belt is out of the place, i cant turn it on because it goes to the left side.

Hi, In this case it is hard to tell what causes the belt to drift to the left, without seeing the unit or getting more information about it! For more information on this problem check out our Questions page at Thank you!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

I have Sportcraft X 4.9 Treadmill I need a 12amp fuse. Where can I get that type fuse.

Unfortunately we do not sell parts at this point. You can check out If you need further assistance or service with your unit, please feel free to contact us at 866.278.3014 or go to Thank you!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Why is it that working hard on your job is not enough to make you financially successful-answer: you must work harder on yourself than you do on your job.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Start steering your life right by concentrating your inner health...your weight & skin will follow!
Why is it that working hard on your job is not enough to make you financially successful-answer in next message

Myths About Strengthening Your Lower Body!

Doing lower body exercises will get rid of cellulite, saddlebags and hip flab: Lower body exercises can tone and firm the muscles but won't work magic on their own. To get the best results, you have to combine you lower body workout with overall strength training, aerobic exercises and healthy eating habits.
Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

De-stress and Lose W

from HelloTxtDe-stress and Lose Weight! Everyone know that regular exercising can lower your stress level, and Less stress = Weight Loose! So, find your way of releasing stress (what ever it is - jogging, running, boxing, painting or even writing) and become healthier and more fit! Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Myths About Strengthening Your Abs! 2

Doing the exercises will result in ripped abs! Abs exercises will define and strengthen your abs muscles, but exercise alone will not melt away the fat on your torso!!
If you want lean midsection, you will need to combine abs workouts with strength training, regular cardio sessions, and healthy eating habits! (By Quamut)

Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Myths About Strengthening Your Abs! 1

To get results you must do hundreds of crunches! The quality, not the quantity, of the abs exercises is what counts! (by Quamut)

Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Health tip of the da

Health tip of the day!! If you must run outside in this hot day! Remember to drink lot of water and take a cooling brakes! Techmotion - Keeping you fit for life!

Do you repair Vision Fitness treadmills? Model # T9450 HRT. Do you come out to the customer?

Yes Techmotion repairs all Vision models, and we do only on site repairs. For more info and to book Call 866.278.3014, be prepared to give as much detailed information as possible about your unit and its problem.
Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Think healthy not skinny. Its less important what you get as what you become.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Life-change dosen't start with inspiration. It starts with education

Motivation tip! Conv

from HelloTxtMotivation tip! Convenience helps to want to exercise! Chrisrice says once she but a few pieces of cardio equipment into her house, “It was easier to get to, harder to avoid, and more comfortable.” Techmotion – Keeping You Fit For Life!

What burns more fat? Running on the treadmill or 1/2 hr of weights?

Running will burn more calories at the moment (in short term) but a 1/2 hour session of weights will suck up more calories thoughout the day because the body needs to recover from muscle break down. In addition, the more muscle you have the more your body will metabolize fat and increase your caloric effectiveness. So PUMP UP!(By Jo2084 at Everyday Health)

Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

My treadmill display is not turning on? why is that?!

It could be as simple as empty battery or little more serious like something wrong with electronics. Give us a call with more details. 866.278.3014

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Health Benefits of Strengthening Your Abs!

Strong abs promote good posture and protect your lower back, and reduce back pain. Strengthening your abs also helps protect your vital internal organs.(by Quamut)

Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Health tip of the day!

Whether you are a man or a woman, a student or a senior, strengthening your abs, legs, and butt can improve balance, posture, and coordination, not to mention make you look fantastic.
Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It takes honey bee w

from HelloTxtIt takes honey bee workers Ten Million trips to gather enough nectar to make one pound of honey! - So if you have a dream just keep on working at it!

Why is it when you get a personal trainer at the gym, you never see any results and when you get a "personal trainer" to come to you place it works?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Use your negative experience as a stepping stone. Promise yourself you will never give up!
Personl development WILL change your life. Read self help books. Do it now

Tip Of the day for ELLIPTICAL users!

"To work your core: Go hands free. Letting go of the handles on the elliptical will challenge your sense of balance and work your core. Make sure to not sway from side to side once you let go of the handles. Place your hands on your hips to monitor your posture."(By FITSUGAR)
Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Tip Of the day for ELLIPTICAL users!

• To work your core: Go hands free. Letting go of the handles on the elliptical will challenge your sense of balance and work your core. Make sure to not sway from side to side once you let go of the handles. Place your hands on your hips to monitor your posture.
Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Have a nice weekend!

Have a nice weekend!
Guys we need to get model/serial numbers on all jobs - Thanks

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Summer is coming. An

Summer is coming. Anybody already in shape for the hot sun? Don't take it off now, unless you in shape...remember fitness is not just for health. Fitness is also for fun in the sun1

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A good way to avoid treadmill problems is with a good maintenance plan.

Ask us about our Worry Free Treadmill Service Plan for just $24.99month. All your treadmill/elliptical/home gym troubles covered! For more details and to sign up call 202.239.6813

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My treadmill shakes back and forth violently. What is that?

This could be coaused by a belt or pulley being loose or even broken inside the track. We would need to take a look to know better! Give us a call with more details 866.278.3014

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Ask us about our Wor

from HelloTxtAsk us about our Worry Free Treadmill Service Plan! For just $24.99month. All your treadmill/elliptical/home gym etc. troubles covered! Call 202.239.6813

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I have a pro-form treadmill. It's fairly new but recently stopped working. When I plug it up, it starts to incline until it reaches the max incline, then it declines. It continues this cycle on and on and on. Natal

Unit may need to be calibrated. One thing to do is to let the unit do what it needs may be re-calibrating itself. If it goes through the 1st cycle and keeps going, which i doubt, then call us. 866-278-3014

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Do Techmotion offer service plan

Yes, We have what we call: "Worry Free Treadmill Service Plan!"
For just $24.99month. All your treadmill/elliptical/home gym etc. troubles covered! For more details call 862.273.9995

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Stay tuned we have m

Stay tuned we have more info coming soon regarding the new prices!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Hello, Have a treadmill Space Saver Proform 85TV, the belt is coming off fom the roller and it's stucked. How I can get it fix?

Seem like the belt is faulty and needs to be replaced. You can buy the part and have us replace it or call us with your units model and serial if you would prefer to have us get the part.

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

For those who missed our announcement yesterday!

Take advantage of our DC Metro area RED TAG Sale!!! Our Flat rate is as LOW as $75.- (first hour)*
*After an hour flat rate 130.- until job is done!!! Your treadmill/elliptical service call will not cost you any more than $130 (max)/(excludes parts). Call now 866.278.3014 and give RED TAG promo code WDC414FB

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Do you provide commercial service as well?

Yes! Techmotion provides commercial service as well. Your equipment is your business! We know and we care. We offer guaranteed service within 48 hours of calling (NY Tristate only). We also offer every service visit for FLAT RATE of $150.00(excludes parts), no matter how long we are there, whether 30 minutes or 3 hours. Second calls $95.00

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tip Of the day for ELLIPTICAL users!

"If your focus is toning your thighs: Pay attention to your feet. Pressing more with your heels will work your hamstrings and booty more, while pressing more with your toes will tone your quads on the front of your thighs."(By FITSUGAR)

Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Take advantage of ou

from HelloTxtTake advantage of our DC Metro area RED TAG Sale!!! Our Flat rate is as LOW as $75.- (first hour)* *After an hour flat rate 130.- until job is done!!! Your treadmill/elliptical service call will not cost you any more than $130 (max/excludes parts). Call now 866.278.3014 and give RED TAG promo code #WDC414HT

Runners tip of the day!

Buy yourself some actual running shoes from a running store because running in junk “sneakers” will destroy your feet and your legs.(Complete Running Network)

Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What you should know about Home Gym safety!

• Make sure your equipment is in good working condition and that you frequently inspect your home gym’s cables and pulleys, as well as any other moving parts.(By Home Gym Adviser)

Schedule your Home Gym service Today! CALL 866.278.3014 or BOOK ONLINE

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Tip of the day! How runners can lose fat.

According to Amby Burfoot “Eating less and running more and more doesn't work.” She says: "The more you exercise and the less you eat, the more likely your body is to hibernate.” (The Runner's World Complete Book of Running, edited by Amby Burfoot). So, keep your meals up but eat more in the beginning of the day, to fuel your body for the day, and eat less the end of the day! Good Luck to all runners who want to loose weight! Techmotion - Keeping You Fit For Life!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Billy R. If you can fix a treadmill for me, I need to know the cost of it.

Hi Billy, Our flat rate for service call is $130.- (that is if the guy comes out and is able to fix at a first run) which dose not include parts. So if your unit needs parts they are for extra cost. Also, it is wise when booking your appointment to give as much detailed information about your problem as possible, so the parts could be order in advance, which will help to avoid the second call which would be additional $65.- To Book you can call 866.278.3014.

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Do you sell any refurbished equipment? Dawn

No, we do not sell equipment! Techmotion - Only repairs, services, assembles and installs any kind of fitness equipment.

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Do you repair massage chairs also?

No, Unfortunately we do not repair massage chairs, but I do recommend you to get in touch with your chair's manufacturer. Good Luck!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Washington DC and Toronto Areas!!! Read!!

EXCLUSIVE NEW PRICE for Washington DC and Toronto area IS STILL ON!!
OUR FLAT RATE of ($130) is NOW $99.00.
Don’t miss out!!
Call 866.278.3014 or book online

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Health tip of the day!

Drink Plenty of WATER!!!
“Adequate water is essential for health, and a great many people simply don't get enough. What's more, if you're chronically dehydrated, your body will retain water in unflattering places, so if you make sure to get plenty of fluids you can start visibly trimming down in as little as a day. Remember, the more you exercise, the more water you'll need.” (wikiHow)

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The first and most i

The first and most important part of owning a treadmill or any piece of equipment is doing preventive maintenance. If you are not currently doing this then start today! Call 866-278-3014 or book online

Interesting fact about petite size women's weight loss!

According to Tom Venuto; small/petite size women loose fat slower than men or larger size women. In his words; “When you have a smaller body, you have lower calorie needs.” Interesting, so shout out for all petite women:”Don’t compare your weight loss to men or bigger sized women!! Pick your inspiration from among the petit sized woman!

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Do you service BOWFLEX REVOLUTION home Gyms?

Yes, Techmotion services all models of Bowflex home gyms. To make an appointment call 866.278.3014 or book online

Ask me anything fitness related! (If it is repair request, please include your contact information.)

Friday, April 2, 2010


EXCLUSIVE NEW PRICE for Washington DC and Toronto area!! OUR FLAT RATE of $130 is NOW $99.00. Don’t miss out!! Call 866.278.3014 or book online

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Do you accept credit cards?

Yes. If you wish to pay via credit card you will need to pre-pay online (! Credit cards cannot be processed on site or over the phone.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bought a treadmill. Now what?

The first and most important part of owning a treadmill or any piece of equipment is doing preventive maintenance. If you are not currently doing this then start today! Techmotion will service your treadmill, elliptical or bike for one flat rate of $130.
Call now for details! 866.278.3014 or book online

Ask me anything fitness related!

Monday, March 29, 2010

I put my pro-form traner 580 xp together by the book and it won't turn on at all. what have i done?!

There could be many reasons for this. We would need to look at the unit to know what is wrong. Please call 866-278-3014 or book online

Ask me anything fitness related!

i want someone to assemble my ProForm Quick Fit Trademill

Techmotion services and assembles all treadmills including ProForm. Call us on 866-278-3014 at your convenience or book online

Ask me anything fitness related!

I put my pro-form traner 580 xp together by the book and it won't turn on at all. what have i done?!

Techmotion services and assembles all treadmills including ProForm.Call us on 866-278-3014 at your convenience or book online

Ask me anything fitness related!

Friday, March 26, 2010

I read your blog where you said all treadmills need regular maintenance, but my treadmill owner’s manual says its maintenance free?

Yes, it will require some maintenance or repairs at some point. They all need occasional cleaning and moving parts in particular wear out on time. A regular maintenance will keep parts from wearing out prematurely and will keep the treadmill operating more quietly and efficiently.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Hi, you wouldnt happen to know where I can get a concourse 7108 wiring diagram would you if so could you email it to me thanks.

We recommend you to contact your manufacturers with this question. Techmotion do not recommend you to fix electronics on your own for safety reasons. If you still are in need of assistance, please call 866.278.3014.

Ask me anything fitness related!


Yes! contact us on our local number 404-217-8749 or

Ask me anything fitness related!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My treadmill belt is slipping?

There might be up to three different reasons for slippage. Some simple, however some are more difficult. Fortunately, most slippage can be fixed without needing parts.

Ask me anything fitness related!

What if the parts purchased do not work? Do I still have to pay for it?

No. If we recommend a part to repair your fitness equipment, and we later find that diagnosis was in error, you will not need to pay for the part.Service work, however, cannot be refunded. Second calls are billed at 1/2 price (65.00) plus the cost of any parts.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What If I need Parts?

If your treadmill needs parts to complete the repair, we will try to repair it using parts from our truck stock. If we do not have the part available, we will order the part for you and complete the repair on the second trip.
Please note: The part is not included in our flat rate price and is paid for separately by customer. The second trip is also charged at 1/2 price.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Ask me anything fitness related!



Hi, I think you are worth trying. I am prepared to pay reasonable costs for the right advice. I am in UK and I have two PRO FIT 300P treadmills both faulty. PRO FIT used to be based in UTAH but they have vanished! I need wiring info (incl.colours). Thanks

Unfortunately we have no information on PRO FIT treadmills, since Techmotion don’t service this brand. You can find a list of brands we service at
If that company went out of business, you may have to replace your equipment.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Do you service Scarborough, Canada?

Yes, we service entire GTA Toronto area including (Etobicoke, York, Old Toronto, East York, North York and Scarborough).

Ask me anything fitness related!

What model treadmill do you repair and what about other equipment?

Techmotion repairs every make and model treadmills, along with recumbent bikes, elliptical machines, treadclimbers, and a host of other exercise equipment.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Do you service Exercise Bikes? The display on my Lifefitness 9500hr recumbent no longer lits up when you start pedaling. Can you help?

Techmotion does services exercise bikes. It is hard to say what cause the display not to light up, since there are several reasons for it to happen. Please call us at 866-278-3014 or make an appointment online

Ask me anything fitness related!

Can I lubricate the belt by myself? Is it difficult to do and can you tell me how?

Yes, you can do it yourself fallow the link for instructions and if you still have questions we also have a Phone Support for $30.00. Call us at 866-278-3014

Ask me anything fitness related!

3 easy things to do to keep your treadmill running:

1) Treadmills attract dust so make sure your treadmill is covered or folded up when not in use. This will lengthen the life of your walking belt as it is free from dust and grime.
2) We recommend lubricating your walking belt every 6 months. If its used every day, keep a log and lubricate every 500 miles.
3) Do not leave your treadmill plugged in for extended periods. This can save your unit if your house ever gets struck by lightning or your basement ever gets flooded. Also, this can burn out your motor control PCB on some units.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Why does the belt need lubrication?

First, the walking belt does need to be lubricated due to a buildup of friction. A new walking belt is well lubricated and provides little friction allowing the drive motor to work normally. If your walking belt loses its lubrication, this creates more friction and puts stress on the motor and creating a domino effect. To read more follow the link

Ask me anything fitness related!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I don’t know which treadmill to buy? What do you recommend?!

We like the Landice L7 or any Smooth models. It all depends on your needs, to further assist you call us 866-278-3014 or view our website

Ask me anything fitness related!

How fast can you come to fix my treadmill?

Techmotion will be there to service your equipment within five days or less. That is why we are available 6 days per week, and emergency Sundays, to service your needs.

Ask me anything fitness related!

What is your vision and mission?

We live to serve you. Our mission is to keep you fit for life and to establish a 50 state service organization that provides fitness equipment service in all 50 states.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Treadmill NEWS !

Ask me anything fitness related!

getting error message what should I do

We require more information on your unit, please call 862-273-9995

Ask me anything fitness related!

Do You Warranty Your Work?

All jobs have a 30 day limited warranty. Warranty covers all work done on site. Parts are covered for 90 days. Warranty do not cover tampering, abuse, and any area of unit that was not serviced by us.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Do you provide contract service for commercial or home fitness units?

Yes. For home units, the cost is $199.00 per year. This will cover the cost of any service call throught the year, and do not include parts. If you need a contract that covers parts the price is $399.00. Please call for full details.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Monday, March 15, 2010

How can i make an appointment with you?

Just call toll free 866.278.3014 or visit us to book online.

Ask me anything fitness related!

I have very busy schedule, do you work Weekends?

Weekends jobs are rare and are only done in extremely difficult schedule situations. Please call 866-278-3014 to set an appointment.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Can you pleasea give me an estimate on installing a new walking board on a NordicTrak C2255? Thanks.

Every service call is one flat fee. Initial service fee is $130.00. Any return trip is $65. Save yourself a trip by getting the parts needed ahead of time, if you're certain of what you need. 973-782-4186

Ask me anything fitness related!

i live in erie,pa.16507 do you service in this area? I have a star trac 900 (12 y/o) are there significant changes in treamills to buy new or just keep my star trac with minimal miles on it.

Techmotion do not service this area at this time. You may find resources at

Ask me anything fitness related!

Monday, March 8, 2010

cleaned treadmill of all dust, will run approximately 3 - 4 minutes and then shut down, any suggestions?

If your treadmill is shutting down, meaning the power is cutting off you may be looking at a high current draw. When the unit reaches the maximum current draw it usually shuts down. This is mostly caused by an overload.

Ask me anything fitness related!

I am considering buying some exercise equipment. Is the elliptical better or should I go with the treadmill?

Ellipticals are way better. You gett a more active workout and you burn more calories - kind of like swimming.

Please call us if you do need to get it assembled.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My walking belt is slipping and i tightened the screws in the back but that didnt help. Any ideas?

Your walking belt can seem to slip for up to 4 different reasons.
1) You may have an electrical problem.
2) You may have a loose walking belt.
3)You may have problems with the drive pulley system.
4) Your drive belt may be faulty.

Unless you're familiar with how to check these areas, it may be best to get a service technician.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Which treadmill do you recommend for home use?

We like the Landice L7 or any Smooth models.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Do you service the Toronto area?

Techmotion services the Toronto and G.TA. If you live outside this area we may well service you however you may have to pay a travel surcharge.

Ask me anything fitness related!

I have been going to the gym for a year now and still cant lose weight. Should I just get a treadmill for myself?

Yes. The gyms are designed to make money. You losing weight is a secondary importance to some trainers. Your other option is to get a personal trainer that will come to your residence and give you personal attention.

Ask me anything fitness related!


Its hard to say without looking at the unit. It does seem like repairing this incline bracket will solve the problem, however, this may have caused other problems. Please call 866-278-3014 to set an appointment or to book online.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Remember capitalism was not designed to give us what we need but what we deserve

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Can you service my treadmill in my house or do I have to bring it to you?

No need to bring your treadmill to us. We can service your unit at your home at a time convenient for you! Just call toll free 866.278.3014 if you live in Miami, Atlanta, DC (metro), Philadelphia,New Jersey, NY Tri-state area or Toronto.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Do you warranty your work? If so how much?

All service work is warranted for 30 days. All parts are warranted for 30 days also. Techmotion will return at no cost to repair any problems with your unit as long as its related to the work that was done, provided the unit was not tampered with after the repair.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Does your flat rate service include parts? Also, how much is it if you have to return? Do I have to pay another $130?

Our flat rate service includes any work to be done on your treadmill, elliptical or bike, including general maintenance and lubrication. This service do not include parts.

Ask me anything fitness related!

I'm looking for someone to move my treadmill to the upstairs bedroom.

We can take your treadmill apart and re-assemble the unit, however, we do not move fitness equipment for liability reasons.

Ask me anything fitness related!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Are you hiring?

Techmotion is looking for service technicians in Miami, Orlando, and Philadelphia, PA. email your resume to

Ask me anything fitness related!

Friday, February 26, 2010

treadmill assembly

If you need to schedule an assembly of your treadmill please call 866-278-3014. The cost is $160.00. You may also book online at

Ask me anything treadmill or fitness related

Hi we live in plainsboro NJ bought new treadmill need assembly service can i get a quote how much do you charge. My email ID

Techmotion charges $160.00 for treadmill assembly. All service work is warranted for 30 days. Any problems with the assembly, just call.

Ask me anything treadmill or fitness related

Thursday, February 25, 2010

what does a speed error displaying on a bodyguard T300 indicate

Speed errors on treadmills are very generic. You may have a sensor problem. Your motor may be faulty. You may have something mechanically stopping the treadmill from running. For a problem like this, you need to get an expert in there to take a look. If you live in an area we cover our service cost is a flat rate of $130 initial and $65 to return. Parts additional.

Ask me anything treadmill or fitness related

I replaced the switch and for got how to rehook it up can you help?

Each treadmill/elliptical/bike is different. Contact your manufacturer. Most have tech support. They will walk you through it. Be sure to have your make, model and serial #. If you need someone to come out, we provide service in FL, NY, NJ, DC, PA, CT, GA, MD, VA, and Toronto. If you live in one of these states go to the website for details on these areas.

Ask me anything treadmill or fitness related

if you can send a digram to i can get it running againthank

You will need to contact your manufacturer to get a diagram. I also have no idea what type of machine you have. You need the make and model before you can attempt to get any parts of info on this.

Ask me anything treadmill or fitness related

Do you repair New balance treadmills?

Yes we do. Parts are hard to come by however we have some reserves.

Ask me anything treadmill or fitness related

Monday, February 22, 2010

How do I keep that new years resolution that is falling by the wayside?

Do even 10 minutes if you have to. Look at it as "I only have 10 min so I will do 10 min!" If you do not remain consistent with your routine, you're likely to fail. One way to is to do it even with little time available.

Ask me anything treadmill or fitness related

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ask me anything

do you'll help with putting together tredmills

We assemble treadmills for $160.00

Ask me anything

Can you tell me why my treadmill would completely turn off at time of using it.

Please tell me more details

Ask me anything

How do I get your answer

We were a bit slow to respond - we didnt know so many people have questions. We have hired someone to monitor this site. Thanks for your feedback.

Ask me anything

Why is your service $130 just to come out?

We believe that the customer should know what the cost of the service should be before we arrive, hence we employ this flat rate to give you, the customer, the knowledge so as to decide whether to repair the unit or not. Most other services will charge you a dollar amount to look at the unit then, another amount per hour, then another amount for travel and mileage. We do not. Your cost is the flat rate we quoted you (not including parts), no matter how long we are there that day. See website for details.

Ask me anything

how do i unfold a golds gym crosswalk 570 treadmill

There should be a latch on the right or left side that you would pull to unlock.

Ask me anything

cost to assemble a proform view point treadmill


Ask me anything

Friday, February 19, 2010

my treadmill goeas for 6 sec n stops

You may have a sensor problem. You may also have a mechanical problem, meaning, there may be something physically stopping the treadmill belt movement

Ask me anything

do you do treadmill repair

Yes we do treadmill repair

Ask me anything

Can you service equipment in Pavo, Georgia, zip code 31778

We only do the Atlanta area of GA for now.

Ask me anything

how do i adjust belt,i tried to adjust the bolts in rear and i either over tighten or too loose?????

The walking belt will move to the side of least tension. If belt is moving left, tighten the left rear adjustment screw 1/4 turn as you run the unit at 1mph. Watch to see if belt moves over to center. Adjust another 1/4 turn if needed. If you adjust too much, loosen 1/4 of a turn and then see where it goes. This takes patience if you're a novice so dont get frustrated. If all else fails call Techmotion at 866-278-3014

Ask me anything

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?

You can have any woman or man you want if you know the road map. You will need to join the secret society to get the map :)

Ask me anything

What would your dream job look like?

Designing and building some of the great interasctive websites out there. Creating something....something tangible that I could look at and handy work.

Ask me anything

What is Techmotion?

Techmotion is the official name of my fitness equipment service company. It was really a name that sprung from the nature of what we do here. We are the greatest technicians out there :) and we we keep you in motion:)

Ask me anything

Cats or Dogs?


Ask me anything

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Core Strenght Video

Are u looking for a great franchise? Call us for details


Sunday, January 10, 2010

How to Lose Weight when the odds are against you.

Did you know that drinking lots of water flushes your system, help you lose weight and makes you healthier?
Did you know that you can live a normal life and lose weight just by substituting a drink for food when you get hungry?
Did you know that most adults who are 150lbs or less is not due to genes, but vigorous exercise?

What is the best way to lose weight right now? The treadmill. For all the hype about ellipticals burning more calories, better on the knees etc, the treadmill is a proven way of loosing weight, bar none. Here's why. Force of action. When you turn on an elliptical or bike, you do have to keep pedaling to burn calories. With the treadmill, you just need to keep up with the flow and speed. Unless you deliberately shut it down, it will keep going. If you’re not in shape and is looking for the best way to go, the treadmill is your best bet.

So how do you get that weight off and keep it off with your new treadmill?
The first thing you need to do is to get a schedule. I suggest scheduling your workout times 30 minutes before you have to get ready for work. Lets presume that you generally gets up 7am weekdays to get dressed etc. If you make the effort (set your clock if you need to), and get going on your treadmill at 6:30am every morning, within 30 days you will begin to see results!

But you may be skeptical, thinking there is no way you can do 30 min on a treadmill, considering how out of shape you are. Well, here is my advice. Start slow. The first time I personally set foot in running shoes was 1989. I did one half of a block and turn around. Now I can do 60 min if I want to. What’s my point. Don’t get discouraged because you will not do 30 minutes the 1st day. You need to get your body accustomed to working out and this new routine. This takes more than one day.

If after a week, you feel you cannot do it, don’t be discouraged. Keep your eyes on the prize. Think about you on the beach in Daytona, Florida, in the Bahamas, or in Jamaica, showing off your new body, your new look, your new lease on life. Because lets be clear, skinny people have more fun! If you want to revolutionize your life and how you enjoy it, not to mention , how others view you, you need to stick with the program.

Yet, this is more difficult to do than to sit here and say it. So now what do you do? If you’re saying to yourself, ‘This guy has no idea what I’m going through. He can sit there and write all this stuff, and it sounds great, but its not that easy.’ Go back to what I said before, you need to start slow. If you did one mile today, tomorrow do a mile and a half. Day after that, you may find that you can only do one mile again. Do not beat your self up. The thing to remember is that some days we are more energetic than others. As long as you’re making progress, go at your own pace.

Go out there NOW and make it happen for you! Your life is waiting.

Genus Johnson

Genus Johnson has numerous years experience in the health and fitness business and now writes for Techmotion LLC, a fitness equipment service company.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Techmotion treadmill

Techmotion treadmill repair is hiring. If you are a fitness equipment service tech in the Atlanta area we would like to speak to you! Go to to submit your resume.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Aren't you just tire

Aren't you just tired of wasting your hard earn cash on unreliable service?,Techmotion can provide you with valued service for your money,we have the expertise and the right tools to get you back on track to meet your goal of being fit again!

Sunday, January 3, 2010



Techmotion treadmill

Techmotion treadmill repair service has good news for Stroudsburg PA. Now available: Techmotion treadmill repair service in your area. If you live in Stroudsburg, Tannersville, East Stroudsburg, or anywhere in the Pocono’s, you can get your treadmill, elliptical or bike assembled or repaired for one flat rate. Go ahead....check us out here

When life gets chall

When life gets challenging, think positive. Think of how much stronger this will make you. Challenges are life's way of giving you a stepping stone to the next level. Remember, you can't fly without gravity! The Airplane Fly away

And Its Cold!!!

from HelloTxtDid you say cold? This is certainly no ordinary cold. This is advanced cold. The whole United States and Canada is in a deep freeze. Well Canada is always cold but Florida at 20 degrees? The wacko's at Fox news may be right! There may not be any global warming. How about global freezing...wait, that sounds like something I heard before. Oh yea, its called Ice Age. The bad part about this (for me) is that I now have to use the treadmill. Not that I don't like treadmills, its just that I prefer running outside where I can observe the beauty of the scenery, take in as much fresh air as my lungs ask for (don’t know how long we’re going to have that for) and think, yes think. I do most of my deep thinking running outside. Some people think that only the "crazy" run outside when there is bad weather, however, I say, "only the dedicated". Today, I will be treadmill runner. The wind and the cold is what get’s to me. I can run in the snow, I can run in the cold. I even run in the scorching hot weather heat. But the cold and wind combination….that is where I draw the line. I tried it once, and that’s when I begin to realize. I am warm blooded and need to be inside. Running #1 Jog

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Did you know that Techmotion will repair your treadmill for one flat rate of $130.00, including lubricating your walking belt, checking your drive belt for wear, adjusting your walking belt, cleaning any dust and debris from your treadmill motor area.

Now you can get a $10 off discount if you set up you treadmill service and pay via Google. Coupon code 0122009. Limited offer. Do it now!

Call 973-782-4186 or Click here

New Year. New Beginning!

Wow! A whole year has passed. We celebrated. We reflected and we make the darnedest resolutions to so many things. We swore to lose weight, to be a better person, to turn over a new leaf, to clean out the garage, among a whole host of things. What propels us to always want a new beginning? Is there something deeply embedded inside us that urges us to want to "start over" ever so often in our lives. Perhaps its the thought that 'if only I could get away form this THING that holding me back'. But, isn't that option available at other times in the year? Yes it is. Maybe the beginning of a new year helps to put an undeniable marker on when we turned over a 'new leaf' so to speak. This year I too will make a resolution. I resolved to always make a resolution from now on, to make the year when I turned over a new leaf. So many things I want to accomplish. If I sincerely commit to one thing each year, very soon my life will be perfect. My weight loss goals will be met, my garage will be clean, my basement will be done, my love life will change and i will take two vacations a year to the Caribbean. I do hope you too will stick to your resolutions. Its the one thing that you have to commit to all year :) The only commitment that you resolutely committed to at the start of the year and now, you must follow through and complete it. Be a better, skinnier, friendlier person this year. Be warned. All resolutions take practice. If you resolved to be nicer this year and smile more, every one you meet you must deliberately try to smile. Every opportunity you get you must figure ways to be nice. Its called practice. Soon you will be smiling naturally, and you will be nicest person. Happy New Year. Techmotion

Friday, January 1, 2010

If you borled out all day or worse, slept all day, bored and would like to flay chess for free check this out

New begi

New beginnings,i dare you to make getting back into shape apart of your resolution!!.Make your number one stop for Treadmill repair services.

Treadmill - Treadmill assembly repair, service

Treadmill - Treadmill assembly repair, service

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Did you know that do

Did you know that doing 20 crunches per day and limiting your portions can help you lose weight. Why not try 20 crunches in the bathroom before your shower? Keep us updated. You may win yourself a brand new treadmill!


Sometimes it can be tempting to service your treadmill yourself, thinking you may save a few bucks. How hard can it really be!

To be frank, treadmill repair is not hard. Mostly what you pay for is the expertise of the trained technician to do the job correctly.  However, from time to time we have seen where the problem actually is made worse by the user attempting to service the unit himself. And to be fair, most treadmill user manuals do suggest, for  example, tightening the walking belt if you have a slipping problem. Some owners follow that advice. Most times though, the problem is completely unrelated to the walking belt.

Take for example, one of the low-end treadmills but more popular Proform 1000 and 2000. Part of the design employs a molded plastic rear end-cap that mounts to the frame of the unit. This piece is NOT cosmetic but is used to hold the tension on the belt. Typically what happens is the user attempts to "tighten" or "adjust" the walking belt because of whats commonly called a slipping belt as was mentioned. The normal tendency is to tighten, then test. If the problem remains, the user will keep tightening until that molded piece breaks and breaks apart.

Your treadmill is a unique piece of equipment, unlike any other appliance. You do need a trained technician to service it. In this example, a slipping belt can be caused by three different things. One does need to check all three possible problem areas. The other complication is that you may have two simultaneous symptoms causing the same effect.

Your service technician will be able to do general maintenance on your unit and check the entire unit for faults. Keep fit in 2010 by keeping your fitness equipment in shape.


Someone suggest that the GYM will be packed later today.....better arrive early. Get your treadmill fixed as a backup. You may have to head right back to the car :)