Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year. New Beginning!

Wow! A whole year has passed. We celebrated. We reflected and we make the darnedest resolutions to so many things. We swore to lose weight, to be a better person, to turn over a new leaf, to clean out the garage, among a whole host of things. What propels us to always want a new beginning? Is there something deeply embedded inside us that urges us to want to "start over" ever so often in our lives. Perhaps its the thought that 'if only I could get away form this THING that holding me back'. But, isn't that option available at other times in the year? Yes it is. Maybe the beginning of a new year helps to put an undeniable marker on when we turned over a 'new leaf' so to speak. This year I too will make a resolution. I resolved to always make a resolution from now on, to make the year when I turned over a new leaf. So many things I want to accomplish. If I sincerely commit to one thing each year, very soon my life will be perfect. My weight loss goals will be met, my garage will be clean, my basement will be done, my love life will change and i will take two vacations a year to the Caribbean. I do hope you too will stick to your resolutions. Its the one thing that you have to commit to all year :) The only commitment that you resolutely committed to at the start of the year and now, you must follow through and complete it. Be a better, skinnier, friendlier person this year. Be warned. All resolutions take practice. If you resolved to be nicer this year and smile more, every one you meet you must deliberately try to smile. Every opportunity you get you must figure ways to be nice. Its called practice. Soon you will be smiling naturally, and you will be nicest person. Happy New Year. Techmotion

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