Sunday, January 10, 2010

How to Lose Weight when the odds are against you.

Did you know that drinking lots of water flushes your system, help you lose weight and makes you healthier?
Did you know that you can live a normal life and lose weight just by substituting a drink for food when you get hungry?
Did you know that most adults who are 150lbs or less is not due to genes, but vigorous exercise?

What is the best way to lose weight right now? The treadmill. For all the hype about ellipticals burning more calories, better on the knees etc, the treadmill is a proven way of loosing weight, bar none. Here's why. Force of action. When you turn on an elliptical or bike, you do have to keep pedaling to burn calories. With the treadmill, you just need to keep up with the flow and speed. Unless you deliberately shut it down, it will keep going. If you’re not in shape and is looking for the best way to go, the treadmill is your best bet.

So how do you get that weight off and keep it off with your new treadmill?
The first thing you need to do is to get a schedule. I suggest scheduling your workout times 30 minutes before you have to get ready for work. Lets presume that you generally gets up 7am weekdays to get dressed etc. If you make the effort (set your clock if you need to), and get going on your treadmill at 6:30am every morning, within 30 days you will begin to see results!

But you may be skeptical, thinking there is no way you can do 30 min on a treadmill, considering how out of shape you are. Well, here is my advice. Start slow. The first time I personally set foot in running shoes was 1989. I did one half of a block and turn around. Now I can do 60 min if I want to. What’s my point. Don’t get discouraged because you will not do 30 minutes the 1st day. You need to get your body accustomed to working out and this new routine. This takes more than one day.

If after a week, you feel you cannot do it, don’t be discouraged. Keep your eyes on the prize. Think about you on the beach in Daytona, Florida, in the Bahamas, or in Jamaica, showing off your new body, your new look, your new lease on life. Because lets be clear, skinny people have more fun! If you want to revolutionize your life and how you enjoy it, not to mention , how others view you, you need to stick with the program.

Yet, this is more difficult to do than to sit here and say it. So now what do you do? If you’re saying to yourself, ‘This guy has no idea what I’m going through. He can sit there and write all this stuff, and it sounds great, but its not that easy.’ Go back to what I said before, you need to start slow. If you did one mile today, tomorrow do a mile and a half. Day after that, you may find that you can only do one mile again. Do not beat your self up. The thing to remember is that some days we are more energetic than others. As long as you’re making progress, go at your own pace.

Go out there NOW and make it happen for you! Your life is waiting.

Genus Johnson

Genus Johnson has numerous years experience in the health and fitness business and now writes for Techmotion LLC, a fitness equipment service company.

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