Monday, May 31, 2010

Poor Abs

The abs (mid section) of our body gets the least exercise as compared to the rest of the body. Your legs take a walk every day. Your arms are always moving, and your back gets a workout when your arms are active. But the abs gets to do nothing, not even slightly! That is why this area is a big problem for most overweight people and even some who are not overweight. The only way to keep this area firm, tight and looking great is to submit it to deliberate consistent pummeling every day to ward off whats becoming the "OK" look of today. I say the "OK" look, 'cause I see people showing off their stomach and their bulging waist line every day. Its become so common to see this that I believe people are beginning to accept this as normal. Yea, I know, who has time to do this "pummeling" you talking about? Well, truth be told, its not hard to focus on this area every day, especially, for those of you who do no other exercise daily. Here's why: As soon as you get up in the morning, assign 10 minutes to this routine, get it out of the way and keep it moving. You'll be surprise how much time people waste in the bathroom every morning. Just skim off 10 minutes from that and you're on your way! How do you do it? Well, its quite simple. Anyone who has heard of "crunches" know how to do this, however, I will explain step by step how I do it with remarkable results. Step 1: Stand straight up and prepare to breathe out. Step 2: Bend your mid section by folding your upper body downwards as you lift your left foot up to crunch the abs. Be sure to breathe out as you're doing this. (As you get better, pull your leg up and bend your upper body down with as much force as you can to maximize the effect). Step 3: Breathe in as you straighten up. Repeat step 1 and 2 above for five to ten reps. Then repeat the process for your right leg always breathing out as you crunch. Do this every morning for 10 minutes and watch the results. If you need better results quicker, just go for 15 min to 1/2 hour each morning. Now its important to be consistent. 10 min. every 3 weeks will not cut it and you will find that you're wasting your time. Be consistent. Be determined. Be the victor. Fight this fight and know you can win, know you will win, and if you condition your mind to win and do the work, I am confident you will.

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