Thursday, June 10, 2010

How To Achieve the Best Workout Results

So you have been working out for years, but not achieving that much results, in fact, you seem to be putting on more weight. Well, here are a few areas to check: 1)Be consistent (if you signup for 3 days per week, go 3 days per week) 2)Push yourself to the limit. Humans are more resilient than you may think. Just because you feel tired, doesn't mean you can't do a few more. 3)Work each muscle group for at least 20 minutes. If you do 5 reps on you biceps and kept it moving, you will never experience the thrill or eyes on you when you walk into the mall or even in the gym! 4)Close your eyes or focus on one thing, like the ceiling, a spot on the floor, something to keep you focused. And when we say "focus" we mean, to mentally focus your mind on the area you're working. That will give you the mental strength to do even more reps. 5) If your goal is to build muscle, and you're overweight, begin by doing cardio workouts. In order to build muscle, you must lose the fat first.

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