Sunday, January 3, 2010

And Its Cold!!!

from HelloTxtDid you say cold? This is certainly no ordinary cold. This is advanced cold. The whole United States and Canada is in a deep freeze. Well Canada is always cold but Florida at 20 degrees? The wacko's at Fox news may be right! There may not be any global warming. How about global freezing...wait, that sounds like something I heard before. Oh yea, its called Ice Age. The bad part about this (for me) is that I now have to use the treadmill. Not that I don't like treadmills, its just that I prefer running outside where I can observe the beauty of the scenery, take in as much fresh air as my lungs ask for (don’t know how long we’re going to have that for) and think, yes think. I do most of my deep thinking running outside. Some people think that only the "crazy" run outside when there is bad weather, however, I say, "only the dedicated". Today, I will be treadmill runner. The wind and the cold is what get’s to me. I can run in the snow, I can run in the cold. I even run in the scorching hot weather heat. But the cold and wind combination….that is where I draw the line. I tried it once, and that’s when I begin to realize. I am warm blooded and need to be inside. Running #1 Jog

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